Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hall Pass Streaming

Some things don't belong together. Most people, I think, would put human defecation and married couples rekindling their romance in that category. Just don't tell the Farrelly Brothers that, because such things are their bread and butter and they've slathered it up again for "Hall Pass."

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Two best buds, Rick (Owen Wilson) and Fred (SNL's Jason Sudeikis), have lust and female anatomy on the brain, like all men stuck in good but stale marriages, and their wives (Jenna Fischer and Christina Applegate) have gotten tired of it. A friend suggests the ladies let go of the leash by giving their husbands a "hall pass," or a week off from marital obligations, including fidelity. Rick believes this might be some kind of tactic, but Fred convinces him to take advantage of it. Soon, the two set off to score chicks only to find they're not any bit near as capable as they might have been during their formative years.
Perhaps the Farrellys felt the pressure to give in to the "middle-aged married couples talking openly about sex" wave of R-rated comedy. The film feels as if it has an obligation to be meaningful and make a statement about love. That's not the problem; there are some genuinely realistic and almost heartwarming moments in the film regarding its romance parts. The trouble comes when the Farrellys aim for big laughs, because their strength does not lie in weaving comedy into a romance, but manipulating a story to set up moments of raucous laughter. Those moments feel disjointed and these pivotal jokes don't pack the punch they used to back in the days of "There's Something About Mary." Comedy evolves faster than cell phones these days and the Farrellys have only proved they can't exactly keep up.
Among the few things they understand perfectly is middle aged men trying to act cool; kudos to Owen Wilson for breaking his "free-spirited sexual hippie and/or moron" type casting and pulling off the awkward family man with zero sense of style or any semblance of "game." He and Sudeikis in their tucked-in Hawaiian shirts among other things successfully prove the Farrellys' hypothesis that 40-year-old married men suffer nothing short of de- masculinization after 15-20 years of marriage. Unfortunately, this frighteningly realistic portrait factors minimally into the film's entertainment value.
More effective are a select group of gags and some extraneous characters. Richard Jenkins, for example, steals countless laughs as a friend of Rick and Fred's who still attracts the ladies over the years because he knows all the secrets. Outside of Jenkins, the Farrellys seem to have trouble grasping the idea that well-crafted characters and mindful casting can elevate humor much more naturally. Instead, you've got guys such as Larry Joe Campbell crapping in a sand trap.
Shock gags like that simply doesn't work anymore. Audiences aren't surprised much these days, but that apparently hasn't discouraged the Farrellys or sent them back to the drawing board. Instead, their thought process says "ok, we just have to go bigger and dirtier next time." I'd like to give them credit for sticking to their guns and doing what they know, but it taints "Hall Pass Full Movie," which might have otherwise been a fairly (Farrelly?) decent movie.
Honestly, the Farrellys, being about that age themselves, have an intuitive understanding of middle-aged guys and this makes the pathetic escapades of Rick and Fred appear to have some actual intention. Their "failures" coupled with the Farrelly's "Law and Order" inspired title cards for each day of the hall pass make for the funniest parts of the movie and give it a vague sense of depth, but they can hardly outshine a slow beginning, forced antics and tired shock humor.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Just saw at this an advanced screening in Huntington Beach.
It was pretty damn good. I do have to admit that I am an Adam Sandler fan. Being 21, I grew up seeing his films in theaters and for the most part liked them all. I think with Big Daddy, Dennis Dugan and Adam Sandler's Happy Madison crew really started a formula of movie. Central conflicted and imperfect character Adam (who has a good heart of course), falls in love with the girl of his dreams, who is younger and way better looking than him, all formulated around a specific central premise (i.e. with this film it's Adam's lies piling on top of lies) supported by extremely strong, quirky side character performances. This might be the epitome of this established formula, really passing 50 First Dates in my opinion. The typical Sandler ridiculous humor and smart-ass remarks are extremely well balanced with perfectly timed and executed emotional moments. The set-up for the story is pretty basic and at first almost appears predictable. It is to some extent, but the crazy directions the movie takes based on Sandler's lies is well done and only stretches a few times. But what do you expect from the Happy Madison crew?

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The 2 kids in the film did a good job and had some funny lines. I am not a Jennifer Aniston fan at all but really actually liked her in this. I sort of understand her popularity and charm after this movie. She seemed more genuine and I felt an emotional attachment to her that I have always lacked with her. Plus, she is showcased in a particular waterfall scene and looks absolutely fantastic in a bikini. Brooklyn Decker is unbelievably gorgeous, as we all know from the SI Swimsuit Edition, but I was very surprised at how natural of an actress she was. She seemed very comfortable and didn't overact much. She is extremely cute and lovable. Nicole Kidman and Dave Mathews were great as an uber cool couple. Nicole was a bit over the top as she has been of late (like since Moulin Rouge), but thats what her character called for so I understand. Dave was surprisingly good as an almost drugged up yuppie, cool boyfriend of Nicole's. Nick Swardson was absolutely hilarious and by far steals every scene he is in. He really comes into the movie about 1/3 of the way in and from there on out its his movie. Nick Swardson deserves fame for this.
I can't say for sure how the critics will receive it. I can handle suspension of disbelief as long as it leads to a funny payoff. For the most part these moments are delivered. It's a great date movie and a great movie for Sandler fans. He has an unbelievable recent track record for success, but this will top all of them at the box office. watch Just Go with It online

Friday, March 4, 2011

Watch The Eagle Online

I didn't know much about The Eagle going into it. I had seen a TV spot or two, but it was pretty underwhelming and didn't seem to reveal much of anything about the plot of the film. Something about a war in Roman times starring the guy that played Duke in the G.I. Joe movie. When I realized I was going to a screening, I purposely avoided more TV spots and full-length trailers. The less you know about a film going into it, the better the experience will be. I also wasn't sure what to expect from Channing Tatum since he's been pretty mediocre at best even when it comes to the films he was a part of that I enjoyed. In the end, The Eagle may be some of Tatum's best work but I'm not exactly sure how much of a compliment that really is.

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For at least a few years now, I've firmly believed that a film can be good despite what its rating is. I still believe that. A good film is going to be good no matter what not just because it shows blood or nudity or just so happens to be family friendly. With that being said, I'm also under the impression that films revolving around heavy warfare should aim for the R-rating. War is brutal, relentless, and unforgiving. I believe it should be depicted that way on screen. The Eagle is obviously about more than spending time on the battlefield. War is more of a backdrop to the relationship between Marcus and Esca and the journey to find the Eagle in addition to its meaning to the Romans. However, no blood being shown during the most intense battle sequences of the film made it feel censored at times and seem weak in comparison to the films it'll make you reminisce about throughout its duration.
Channing Tatum carries the film fairly well. There's one scene right before he heads off to try and find the Eagle where he's talking with Donald Sutherland and he makes a speech that Tatum just manages to put such power and emotion into. It's a short scene, but it's probably his highlight and helps display the passion Marcus has of restoring honor to his family's name. Jamie Bell's Esca was mostly interesting due to his true intentions being fairly unpredictable throughout the film. His British blood runs thick, but he owes his life to Marcus who happens to be a Roman. One of them eventually has to give. Seeing that play out is the main attraction to the Esca character. Donald Sutherland's appearance in the film isn't nearly as noteworthy as his appearance in The Mechanic. Sutherland seemed to make the most of his short screen time in The Mechanic while being rather flat in The Eagle despite having a bit more screen time in comparison. Sutherland's Uncle Aquila also stands in the way of his nephew Marcus in a roundabout kind of way by encouraging him to stay put and repeatedly informing him he has no chance of surviving north of the wall. Both characters Sutherland portrays are so different in comparison, which is probably a good thing at the end of the day. Mark Strong may be practically unrecognizable in this, as well. I'm convinced (and this is a partial spoiler) that he took over the reigns of only taking characters that die at the end of a film from Liam Neeson. It seems like Strong dies in every film he's a part of, doesn't it? Lastly, there's Tahar Rahim who has a very strong showing here. After seeing him in the outstanding A Prophet, it was great to not only see him in something else but see him perform just as well.

Yet another film that suffers from shaky camera techniques during the most intense sequences in the film. Is just filming scenes like this normally just too boring for directors these days? If an intense fight sequence is edited well, do you even need the shaky bit? I never realized how often this technique was used until recently, but it seriously needs to go away more than any other trend currently taking place in Hollywood.

The Eagle is a captivating drama with heavy hitting action sequences and a well-rounded cast that contains elements of 300, Gladiator, and even Valhalla Rising. Unfortunately The Eagle isn't anywhere near as good as any of those films and falls a bit flat in the end. Nevertheless, The Eagle is an adventure worth taking.  watch the eagle 2011 online

The Eagle 2011 Online

The Eagle wasn't desperate or overly ambitious— it was exactly what you'd want from a tale of friendship and adventure! I'd been prepared for a ten minute opening montage educating us on the socio-political climate of Roman-occupied Britain, but I was pleasantly surprised with the character focused introduction. I know it's a little unaware, but I didn't go see this movie for historical accuracy, or to be being preached to about the triumphs of the human spirit. It's a very simple story, but epic in its presentation. You get swept into their journey to find the lost Eagle and restore honor to Marcus's family. There are several graphic (but never gory) battles, and a memorable relationship evolving through the movie .

The Eagle 2011 Online

The casting was on the money; it was a treat to see O'Hare (Russell Edgington from True Blood), and Sutherland as Marcus's caring uncle. This is undoubtedly Channing's best work— he is completely believable as a leader but not infallible as we find out early in the movie when he is injured. Jamie Bell was brilliant as Esca; he has a lovely tortured look about him, with just a hint of unpredictability that makes him seem dangerous. I won't give it away but he has multiple reasons to want Marcus dead, which makes their friendship so compelling.

As for the (apparently huge) Bromance issue, it's made even more obvious by the absence of a female lead, which I'm fine with. If there isn't a well developed female character, then I'm grateful we were spared the token hot-girl who contributes absolutely nothing to the plot (other than to offset any male bonding that goes down later in the movie). The Eagle didn't need that; sexuality was never a character driving theme. There's definitely love and respect between Marcus and Esca, but don't expect them to have any chick flick moments. I only say this because some of the more clumsy interviewers have been harping on it, and it's tacky. Obviously if Channing and Bell ever did do a gay themed movie, I'd be thrilled/elated/first in line, but I'm not calling gay every time I see two guys next to each other having emotions. I guess people are going to see what they want to see— they're both really good looking guys risking their lives for each other, I get it.

At the end of the day, the only thing I found lacking were parts of the dialogue, especially in the beginning. That's just nit-picking though. The Eagle was leagues above movies like Troy and Alexander in terms of heart, however don't go in expecting Gladiator-esque material. It may as well have been a classic sports flick, and the Eagle their Superbowl trophy— there's something distinctly American about it. You will however end up caring about the characters, which to me, makes a movie worth watching you can Watch The Eagle Online <- Here.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Watch Sanctum Online Free

The script hovers around B-movie level; the characters are fairly one dimensional. That said, the leads do the best they can with the material. Roxburgh is the shining light in this dark cavernous movie. Relative newcomer Wakefield deserves kudos for getting through some physically grueling scenes while giving the stereotypical "son with absent father" some dimension. Gruffudds character rapidly deteriorates from charming daredevil to crazed selfish psychopath which is boring and predictable. He deserved better.

The old standby kills are easily telegraphed. "Sanctum" is particularly harsh to women. "Females best beware taking on the oh-so-manly task of cave diving; you WILL fail" is the message. The only moment of extreme gore is at the half way point. It was the only time there was much response in our packed theater. Do not expect to be moved or feel much connection with the characters or story.
On the upside, many of the underwater scenes are remarkable. The 3-D is not necessary but does add to the claustrophobia and disorientation the characters must battle. The cinematography and editing are fantastic and easily the best part of the film. Would have loved more panoramic establishing shots of the underground environment so that the audience could get a real feel for why these daredevils risked so much.

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Many of the cave shots and renderings are breathtaking, but ultimately there is no heart and soul to either the characters, dialogue or plot. There is a reliance on bombastic music to force emotions, leaving "Sanctum" as cold and airless as the caves being explored. In the few scenes where the music was cut and all one could hear was water and breath, a larger sense of drama was invoked.
"Sanctum" is inspired by a true story. It would have benefited greatly from a more documentary perspective instead of spiraling into melodrama. The poor script and characterization are ultimately anchors that weigh the film down. "Sanctum" boasts Cameron, but this is no Avatar, it's more like the sinking of the Titanic.

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Like two previous capers Martin Lawrence's Big Momma, mothers emphasized: As a parent, such child was not screened in advance for critics. Those who obediently shouted the movie was forced to queue and buy tickets like everyone else on Friday. And some may have wished they could have spent his Friday night doing something else. Indeed critic Roz Laws, who writes for the position of Birmingham in the UK, where the film opened well, wrote that the movie of 107 minutes was "107 minutes longer." Then he added: "Please make this the last movie.. I can not tolerate older mothers" Critics of this side of the Atlantic echoed that regime, Momma doing great together: like father, like son hands down worst movie review of 2011. Mark Olsen in the Los Angeles Times concluded that it is simply manufactured schlock - ". A lifeless piece of pure product, struck at random with contempt for comedy, storytelling and film, 'Several suggested Lawrence mere fact that critics of this threequel because he saw Tyler Perry has had success with his character Made. Roger Moore in the Orlando Sentinel said that Lawrence seems "trapped in the character that still pays the bills. And this character is not funny." Bruce DeMara the Toronto Star imagine a time in the future, when alien civilization discovers some artifacts caused the ruin of our civilization - including artifacts from the film Lawrence, that "despite their very negative reception by the entertainment critic Erato ... still get a significant economic return for producers." But to Mike Hale New York Times, describing the film as a "family comedy schlocky," is not an adjective for the grant which is not entirely derogatory. The adjective is "friendly."

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Justin Bieber Never say never appear in theaters nationwide on 11 February 2011. It will be released in 3-D His performances and includes scenes of last summer in Nashville and Madison Square Garden. This documentary film chronicles the life of the young star inspirational message sent in and their fans never give up.
In an interview with MTV director Jon Chu described the plot of the movie. "It is not like other movies concerts is where you go behind the stage and later stage and then go on stage and backstage. It is not just a concert ... this is a movie musical , When words are not enough to tell the stories of his life, we use music. "
The biography / concert film career Focus Justin, his life every day, and his life before becoming one of the hottest teens in the nation. The film includes home movies and photographs of the early life of Bieber in Stratford, Ontario. Also included in-depth, exclusive interviews with Justin as interviews with family and friends and sincere.
However, fans will not have to wait until February 11 to see the movie. There will be a progress review on February 9, fans can download their packages tickets, where to go at the meeting of November 29, 2010. Justin Bieber ¿includes exclusive merchandise and purple 3-D glasses. The cost is $ 30 and tickets are subject to availability as there are a limited amount.
So if you have a belieber truth the film is a must. Discover the path to success and how Justin got there. The aim of the 3D effect and make particular defendant, if you have personal emotional year you probably think they can touch the screen by Justin Bieber. The movie will certainly never forget because it's inspiration for his year of life and history that makes you get closer to his idol.

Follows Justin Bieber with some footage of performances from his 2010 concert tour.

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On a weekend trip to Hawaii, a plastic surgeon convinces his loyal assistant to pose as his soon-to-be-divorced wife in order to cover up a careless lie he told to his much-younger girlfriend.

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I'm Quantity 4 loading comes after the actual scenario associated with Steve Cruz, the 15-year aged unfamiliar in the earth Lorien, as well as their guard, Henri, since they operate in the Mogadorians, yet another battle associated with aliens which are looking for Steve and also the additional 8 teenager Loriens, that just about all create the actual Garde, residing on the planet. The actual Garde comprises of just about all Loriens with extraordinary Legacies as well as strengths. The actual teens tend to be secured using a enchantment, in which solely will allow those to end up murdered at a arranged arrangement. Steve is actually Quantity 4. Both Loriens as well as Mogadorians use a real human visual appearance.

The actual guide starts aided by the dying associated with Quantity 3. Quantity 4 is actually invented, heading with the identity associated with Daniel Jones, when he or she leaves behind Texas. 4 offers a few rounded stretch marks bandaged round her correct leg, symbols of the actual demise associated with Amounts 1, 2 as well as 3. These kind of marks exist in all of the Lorien young people, along with every single fatality, one more scratch appears to be. Henri, Four’s Cêpan (guardian), explains them they may Tropical, Kansas. 4 prefers the actual identity Steve Cruz because their brand new alias.
Sick and tired with operating, Steve affirms which he desires to will create a lifetime with regard to their self. Henri reminds the pup exactly why these people operate, and also the talk stops. Steve will start to go to any nearby twelfth grade, when he or she fulfills Debbie Hart, the golden-haired youngster. He or she additionally fulfills the woman's ex-boyfriend Tag Wayne, that straight away will start to choose upon Steve. Steve stacks up in order to them, at the first try he's actually was standing as much as any one.
Within their astronomy training, John’s arms will damage as well as shine. Any time Steve is actually returning from the residence, he or she finds out which their primary Heritage is here. THE Heritage is really a ability which just confident Loriens own, as well as every single varies from Lorien for the many other, except telekinesis, which will just about all participants in the Garde can handle doing. Henri explains Steve which their very first Heritage is actually Lumen, enable you to generate lighting by their arms along with a opposition that will warmth as well as flame. Any time Henri will begin to assist, the actual challenge associated with open fire as well as warmth distribute all through John’s entire body, Steve includes a eye sight associated with the very last occasions in Lorien if the Mogadorians assaulted.


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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I am Number Four Streaming

Summary: John is an extraordinary teen, masking his true identity and passing as a typical high school student to elude a deadly enemy seeking to destroy him. Three like him have already been killed … he is Number Four.

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I am Number Four Streaming

And as he shown with Disturbia, director DJ Caruso is definitely an amazingly sure hands at old-school ventures. His most clever move with this passionate thriller is building an hugely likeable throw – do not require are actors all of these leave us looking for more. Emerging like a solid show existence, Alex Pettyfer’s teenager superhero Quantity Four finds him self pretending to become a standard boy within an Ohio school filled by the ordinary suspects: he falls for that shy hottie A strange loner – in whose supernatural forces are rivalled just by their soulful eye – happens to a little town and turns into the talk from the high college: not just is he or she hot, but he's supports of lighting coming from his hands. Fundamentally, he’s the actual science experiment you need to take towards the prom. From his new institution, he falls for that cute inventive female and will get her that's involved in an medieval war on that the fortune of the planet, not to refer to box office brilliance, may hinge. You will see vengeance. You will see love. You will see sequels.

Indeed, it appears to be well known, but I'm Number Four isn't The twilight series, precisely. It’s a lot more like Twilite, the less darkish, less Medieval edition of what will happen when the cute human falls with regard to Mr. Sensitive-Yet-Superhuman.

The good guy here is definitely an alien that calls themself John Cruz (all the greater to take you to definitely cheap hotels, my pretty) and it is played through Alex Pettyfer (Alex Driver: Operation Stormbreaker) together with blond gusto: he’s a collaboration of A vampire named edward and Spider-Man (new slogan: With excellent power arrives great ab muscles. )

Steve and his guardian Henri (Deadwood’s Timothy Olyphant) tend to be Loriens, creatures who came from a isolated planet together with eight other teens who are hiding their selves as Earthlings. They're being attacked by Mogadorians, evil beings from the house planet who're tall, tattooed, put on long dark coats, possess bad the teeth and do-it-yourself torture their sufferers with near-comic overacting.

In inclusion, they've introduced with them anything animalistic which these bring in the rear of a vehicle and prey on shrink-twisted turkeys they purchase by the dozens from the market retail store.

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And just as he proved with Disturbia, director DJ Caruso is an incredibly sure hand at old-school adventures. His smartest move in this romantic thriller is assembling an immensely likeable cast – none of them are stars all of them leave us wanting more. Emerging as a solid screen presence, Alex Pettyfer’s teen superhero Number Four finds himself pretending to be a normal boy in an Ohio school populated by the usual suspects: he falls for the shy hottie A mysterious loner – whose supernatural powers are rivalled only by his soulful eyes – comes to a small town and becomes the talk of the high school: not only is he hot, but he has beams of light coming out of his palms. Essentially, he’s the science experiment you want to take to the prom. At his new school, he falls for the cute artistic girl and gets her involved in an ancient battle on which the fate of the world, not to mention box office superiority, will hinge. There will be revenge. There will be love. There will be sequels.

Yes, it sounds familiar, but I am Number Four is not Twilight, exactly. It’s more like Twilite, a less dark, less Gothic version of what happens when a cute mortal falls for Mr. Sensitive-Yet-Superhuman.

The hero here is an alien who calls himself John Smith (all the better to take you to cheap motels, my pretty) and is played by Alex Pettyfer (Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker) with blond gusto: he’s a combination of Edward cullen and Spider-Man (new motto: With great power comes great abs. )

John and his protector Henri (Deadwood’s Timothy Olyphant) are Loriens, beings who have come from a distant planet along with eight other teenagers who are all disguising themselves as Earthlings. They are being pursued by Mogadorians, evil creatures from the home planet who are tall, tattooed, wear long black coats, have bad teeth and torture their victims with near-comic overacting.

In addition, they have brought with them something animalistic that they carry in the back of a truck and feed on shrink-wrapped turkeys that they buy by the dozen from the grocery store.

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Monday, February 28, 2011

Watch Red State 2011 Full Movie

Watch Red State Full Movie

Red State (2011)

Posted in Horror, Now On Cinema, Thriller

Users: 6.0/10 (338 votes) 1 review | Critics: 6 reviews

Set in Middle America, a group of teens receive an online invitation for sex, though they soon encounter fundamentalists with a much more sinister agenda.

Director: Kevin Smith
Writer: Kevin Smith
Stars:Michael Parks, Melissa Leo and John Goodman

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Still of John Goodman in Red State Still of Anna Gunn in Red State Eugene Jarecki at event of Red State Still of Michael Parks in Red State Still of Michael Angarano and Nicholas Braun in Red State Kevin Smith at event of Red State

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Take Me Home Tonight (2011)

Posted in Comedy, Drama, Now On Cinema

(awaiting 5 votes) 4 reviews | Critics: 2 reviews

Follow an aimless college grad who pursues his dream girl at a wild Labor Day weekend party. He, his twin sister and their best friend struggle with their burgeoning adulthood over the course of the night.

Director: Michael Dowse
Writers: Jackie Filgo (screenplay), Jeff Filgo (screenplay), and 2 more credits »
Stars:Topher Grace, Anna Faris and Dan Fogler

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Still of Michelle Trachtenberg and Dan Fogler in Take Me Home Tonight Still of Anna Faris in Take Me Home Tonight Still of Michael Dowse and Topher Grace in Take Me Home Tonight Still of Topher Grace and Teresa Palmer in Take Me Home Tonight Still of Dan Fogler in Take Me Home Tonight Still of Dan Fogler in Take Me Home Tonight

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Watch The Adjustment Bureau 2011 Full Movie

Watch The Adjustment Bureau Full Movie

The Adjustment Bureau (2011)

Posted in Now On Cinema, Romance, Thriller

(awaiting 5 votes) 7 reviews | Critics: 21 reviews

The affair between a politician and a ballerina is affected by mysterious forces keeping the lovers apart.

Director: George Nolfi
Writers: George Nolfi (screenplay), Philip K. Dick (short story "Adjustment Team")
Stars:Matt Damon, Emily Blunt and Lisa Thoreson

Watch Trailer »

Still of Matt Damon and George Nolfi in The Adjustment Bureau Still of Matt Damon and Emily Blunt in The Adjustment Bureau Anthony Mackie at event of The Adjustment Bureau Still of Emily Blunt in The Adjustment Bureau Still of Matt Damon in The Adjustment Bureau Still of Matt Damon in The Adjustment Bureau

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Rango (2011)

(awaiting 5 votes) 2 reviews | Critics: 10 reviews

A chameleon that aspires to be a swashbuckling hero finds himself in a Western town plagued by bandits and is forced to literally play the role in order to protect it.

Director: Gore Verbinski
Writers: John Logan (screenplay), John Logan (story), and 2 more credits »
Stars:Johnny Depp, Isla Fisher and Timothy Olyphant

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Rango Rango Gil Birmingham at event of Rango Rango Rango Rango

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Watch Drive Angry 3D 2011 Full Movie

Watch Drive Angry 3D Full Movie

Drive Angry 3D (2011)

Posted in Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Now On Cinema

Users: 6.4/10 (1,696 votes) 29 reviews | Critics: 67 reviews

A vengeful father escapes from hell and chases after the men who killed his daughter and kidnapped his granddaughter.

Director: Patrick Lussier
Writers: Todd Farmer, Patrick Lussier
Stars:Nicolas Cage, Amber Heard and William Fichtner

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Drive Angry 3D Still of Nicolas Cage and Amber Heard in Drive Angry 3D Michael Papajohn at event of Drive Angry 3D Still of Nicolas Cage in Drive Angry 3D Still of Billy Burke in Drive Angry 3D Still of Nicolas Cage in Drive Angry 3D

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